Course Drop & Withdrawal

The Drop and Withdrawal deadlines are established by the Dual Enrollment Office when scheduling each Academic Year Calendar. All requests to Drop or Withdraw from a course must be handled through both the high school guidance counselor/home school administrator and the ERAU Dual Enrollment Office.

Course Drop

The Drop Period for Dual Enrollment is established by the Dual Enrollment Office when scheduling each Academic Year Calendar.

  • A dual enrollment student may drop a course without penalty and with full refund during the drop period.
  • A dual enrollment student may not drop a course after the drop period. See Course Withdrawal for requests past the Drop deadline.
  • In the case of special circumstances outside the student’s control, that student may be considered for an exception at the discretion of the Dual Enrollment Office.
  • To request a drop, the Student or High School Counselor/Homestudy Administrator must complete the Dual Enrollment Drop Form or submit the request via email at

Course Withdrawal

A Dual Enrollment Student may request to be withdrawn from their current course within the designated withdrawal period. A Dual Enrollment Student may not withdraw from a course after the withdrawal period has passed. Withdrawal requests may be submitted in writing via email to the Dual Enrollment Office, or by using the Dual Enrollment Course Withdrawal Form.

  • A withdrawal from a course will result in a grade of “W” on the Student’s Official ERAU Transcript.
  • Refunds will not be issued for course withdrawals.
  • A student that discontinues class activity but fails to follow the administrative withdrawal policy will receive a failing grade “F” for the course.
  • A Dual Enrollment student may not withdraw from a course while a charge of academic integrity violation is pending.

Designated School District Admin, High School Counselor, Homeschool Admin, or Parent/Guardian may request a withdrawal on behalf of the student.

In the case of special circumstances outside the student’s control, the student may be considered for an exception at the discretion of the Dual Enrollment Office.

The Dual Enrollment Student must submit a written petition to withdraw from the course and include any required third-party documentation relating to the circumstances prompting his/her withdrawal.

Please Note: Students may not retake courses while participating in the Dual Enrollment program unless they are given an exception by the Dual Enrollment Office.