Academic Integrity
Embry-Riddle is committed to maintaining and upholding intellectual integrity. Dual Enrollment Students are expected to adhere to the standard university Academic Integrity Policy. Key areas include Plagiarism and Cheating.
All students, faculty, and staff have obligations to prevent violations of academic integrity and take corrective action when they occur. The adjudication process will involve imposing sanctions that may include, but are not limited to, a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade in a course, suspension, or dismissal from the University, upon students who commit the following academic violations:
Please also review the ERAU Worldwide Campus Honor Code.
Student Conduct
Students taking dual enrollment courses are subject to the rules and regulations of ERAU Worldwide Campus as listed in the ERAU WW Catalog, as well as those established by the partnering School District/High School.
Dual Enrollment students will be placed in undergraduate course sections with college students of all ages and backgrounds. The courses will introduce Dual Enrollment students to a learning environment that promotes an open exchange of ideas. Course content is presented on an adult level and class discussions require a mature understanding of different viewpoints and the ability to think critically on current issues.
In addition, grades earned while participating in the ERAU Dual Enrollment Program will become a part of a student’s permanent college transcript. Poor performance in these courses will affect your academic future. Therefore, it is imperative that Dual Enrollment Students conduct themselves professionally at all times.